Safeguard your goods throughout their journey with risk management

Manage your international logistics with our risk management service

Nowports Insurance

Cargo insurance, container insurance, and risk management

All transfers involve a risk that can be costly



Every year, up to 50 billion dollars are lost in transfers


11% of the units show some type of damage at final destination
Seguro adecuado


Only 20% of the world's cargo is adequately insured

Other derivatives

Loss of profit, contamination, damage to reputation, legal problems

We provide comprehensive risk management servicesensuring full protection for our clients


Our Partners 
risk management

We currently have a network of main partners such as HDI Seguros and Assistcargo

Obsessed with simplifying logistics so you can focus on growing your business!


Tranquility and efficiency

Its processing and collection (if necessary) are managed by the Nowports team

Trust and reputation

Improve the image of your business in front of your clients and suppliers
punto de contacto

Personalized advice

We take better care of you because we know your cargo like you do yourself

Avoid economic losses

Avoid financial lossesGet financial compensation in the event of incidents, improving your financial planning

Easy and economical

Simple and agile procedure from the first movement, without bureaucracy. The deductible is usually cheaper.
conexion asia latam

Cobertura total

Cubrimos todo el trayecto de la carga. Cobertura del 100% del valor y lucro cesante lo que incluye toda la operación nacional e internacional.

Ensure your financial stability and strengthen the confidence of your company

We make sure your cargo is safe at all times, protecting it from damage or theft

El servicio de Gestión de Riesgos ofrecido por Nowports no es un seguro. Nowports no es una Institución de Seguros autorizada por la SFC, al no realizar operaciones activas de seguros en los términos de la Ley de Instituciones de Seguros y Finanzas. Por lo tanto, Nowports no funge como Agente de Seguros o como Prestador de Servicios de una Institución de Seguros en los términos de la Ley de Seguros y Finanzas. El servicio de Gestión de Riesgos permite gozar los beneficios de la póliza existente entre Nowports y la aseguradora, la gestión correspondiente a su promoción y celebración es ejecutada por el respectivo corredor de seguros. Nowports no es responsable de autorizar una indemnización.